Dinghy index concept papers Concept . Brief What is this about? Dinghy: concept for a computer platform. Capture the design values of systems from the 16-bit era. Improve. Those design values - Bedrock Wariness towards layers of abstraction. Rather, apply Jeff Lait's Bedrock principles. System should have a very simple interface. Memory model rather than API. Should not occur to you to dive lower. Slides from Jeff Lait talk about Bedrock Mechanical Sympathy Feel matters. System should feel responsive, predictable, reasonable. Users and developers pick up a sense of mechanical sympathy, and feel close to the metal. Dave Farley notes on Mechanical Sympathy Community-oriented. Bulletin boards, demo parties, sharing. Vibe that people are proud to be part of. A good place for growing new engineers. Honour for those who win it. Bane comments on the demoscene Improvements to pursue - Strong network experience: ubiquitous Internet offers more community options. Async techniques allow sophisticated concurrency. Better hardware will allow more speed, and better multitasking. Strong standard tools. Our pitch - "Like CB radio, for the Internet." A networked, secure, single-user computer platform that delights hackers. What would it not be? It will not be a 'workstation'. See Yachts and Racing Dinghies. And System Niches. "if it has a package manager, it's not what I'm looking for" It will not run a web browser. Some challenges, How to support TCP/IP? There are many systems that seek to facade TCP/IP. But that is not our way. What if we went in the opposite direction? What is the bedrock alternative to the BSD sockets API? Our design values resist complication. Could we incubate an alternative to the web? On the simple end: something like gopher. Be ambitious. Imagine a vm client. It connects to a remote servers and downloads byte code. It communicated back to the server using async event messages. Limit Audience, Developer who loves to be able to reason about everything the system is doing. Beginner who wants to learn how to think like an engineer. Where is the conversation? #dinghy on irc.freenode.org See the navbar links. Resources TGS desktop notes http://rants.tgschultz.com/Personal%20Desktop%20OS.txt Muratori videos, CygnusEd on an Amiga 2000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L41oIvre9K0 The Thirty Million Lines Problem, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZRE7HIO3vk&t=1350s Hacker news thread, 20190623, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20251010 Carmack notes on plan 9 https://marc.info/?l=9fans&m=111558698816997&w=4